October Challenge – The Results!
I decided to put on this challenge to get people exercising on a regular basis and to see how that made them feel. During the month I was interested to see if I noticed any improvements in my clients practice.
I started to talk to my clients about the challenge two weeks before and gave out progress logs and a sheet of basic exercises.
Almost all my clients wanted to give it a go and seemed positive and happy to take part. Adding an incentive of a certificate and prize if they completed it seemed to help!
An amazing 93 clients signed up for the challenge!
As the weeks passed people started to drop out but although they felt unable to complete the challenge and exercise every day, most people said they were still keen to carry on doing some Pilates at home when they could.
At the end of the month I collected the completed logs back in. Of the logs that came back in, 8 had completed the challenge and 8 partially completed. Quite a few people told me that they had carried on exercising throughout the month but had stopped filling in their logs.
As the logs were handed in I asked each person if they had noticed any benefits from regularly exercising.
Some of the comments that I had back were…
Really made a difference
Stretching regularly helped
Feeling better
Liked the routine
Helped neck and shoulders
Enjoyed it
Felt better after each session
More movement in thoracic spine
Slept better
During the month I had noticed that some of my clients practice had improved and the improvements were definitely more noticeable in the people that exercised every day and completed the whole challenge.
Overall I think the challenge was a success, although not as many people completed it as I would have liked, everyone that signed up did some Pilates throughout the month. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and get some benefit from it. I think doing some Pilates every day for a whole month was a big ask, but as a result of the challenge most clients are now doing some Pilates at home throughout the week, which I would consider to be a positive result.
I feel very happy with the results and would like to say a huge congratulations to everyone that took part. Well done 🙂